Product Details

Vishudda Throat Chakra Candle

Quick Overview

The Vishudda, or throat chakra, is the energy center of communication. Its name translates to "especially pure" and it is the  energy center of the body that connects the heart...
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The Vishudda, or throat chakra, is the energy center of communication. Its name translates to "especially pure" and it is the  energy center of the body that connects the heart and mind. This chakra is associated with security, groundedness, and the seat of stability. It is literally the root of the energetic center of the body. This candle is set with layers of sky blue and teal beeswax, amazonite chip stones, and my Vishudda blend which contains lavender, spearmint and roman chamomile essential oils. Each candle comes with a set off affirmations to help you connect with and remove blockages from  throat chakra in either meditation or ritual.